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When solving any problem, we at Living Planet Solutions always consider how our solutions impact the big picture.


For a solution to truly be both elegant and sustainable, we must not only consider how it solves the immediate problems but how it fits into the larger picture. The best Solutions fit like puzzle pieces; Complementing and improving on what came before. A solution that merely trades one problem for another is no solution at all, instead a single solution should create a ripple effect, creating not just one, but a myriad of benefits that only grow with time.


All of our solutions, both present and future, work like instruments in an orchestra, beautiful on their own, but when used together, they are both elegant and powerful.

This is what it means to be sustainable.


By working in concert with natural processes, managing and enhancing them, we create positive feedback loops that can exponentially accelerate the impact of the benefits.


For example, the vast majority of a plants mass comes from atmospheric CO2, so when we grow plants, we are sequestering that CO2 into the plant tissues. If we then return that carbon to the soil in a variety of forms, not only are we reducing the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere and storing it, but we are also improving the productivity of the soil. This improvement, in turn, leads to more vigorous plant growth which leads to even faster rates of carbon sequestering.


To give you some example of just how effective this can be; each year one hectare of wild Moso Bamboo, A type of giant timber bamboo, can absorb 5.1 tons of carbon which can compensate for the CO2 emissions of three people in China (or one person in the U.S.A.).


What if we could double or even triple that by managing and enriching the soil? We could completely compensate for global CO2 production with this one plant using less than 1 million hectares, while simultaneously providing a valuable building material!

living planet solutions integrated approach to horticulture

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1 million hectares might sound like a lot, and it is, but to give you an idea of just how attainable this could be, the world currently uses a whopping 1.4 billion hectares just to grow crops. But if you could use the same methods to yield twice as much on the same land we could free up 700 million hectares!


Now although these are all hypothetical scenarios, it illustrates a point. This is what an elegant and sustainable solution looks like. Something as small as improving soil productivity has the power to end climate change!


This is why we do what we do.

We CAN build a brighter future!


Won’t you join us?

To check out our ongoing integrated ecologically balanced pilot projet Click Here!

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